
Well, this is another post about attitude and why am I not posting it at the same post?


I just do not wan to make it too long…..? haha…. 😛


Who do you respect?

Your teachers?

Your co workers?

Your colleagues?

 Your boss?

Your parents?

Your siblings?

Your mates?

Who else?

Are you respecting them because of authority?

Are you respecting them because you do not wan to offend them?

OR you are scare of them?

So, which is the one and who are you respecting is actually not very important here…. J

I am not bull shitting here and stop scolding me with all my craps if you are and thanks for the going on reading…. Hahahaha…..

Have you ever doing any presentation in front of your class?

Have you ever attended any presentations?

Well, well, well…. IF your answer is no to both of the questions above, it’s ok..


Have you ever talk to someone?

OR… Have you ever listen to someone’s talking???


It must be a YES to either one of the questions IF you are not deaf or mute or whatever…..

Never mind…. My words will still go on….. (Thick face here wut.. what to do…. LOL)


What’s the feeling if someone neglects you when you are talking to him/her?

Do you feel happy? Sad? Frustrated? Ignorant? Wan to slap that person? Or nothing at all?

Anyways, not important thou…. 😛

Come back to my own story and craps should stop at this moment….. kekekkeke….

This should go back to few days ago when I attended a lecture…. The lecturer get someone to come and teach us and his slang is different from ours and he was like just reading out the text from his written notes. Obviously, it’s definitely not an interesting lecture and almost everyone is not listening to him. Some starts to chit chat with their friend beside… some took their work out and do…. Some on their laptop and msn in the lecture hall….. Most of them are doing their own work…..

Please la….. WE are all adults…. PLEASE behave as you are an adult…..!!!!

It’s kind of respect when someone is ‘lecturing’….. he is not good in fact… everyone knows that…. BUT, it does not mean that you can start doing all your work and making noise…..

Okay…. Fine…… doing your work without distracting others I don’t care…… (As I am the ‘audience’… IF I am the one standing there, I need respect from my ‘audience’ lo…. ) BUT, please la…. Cant you keep your mouth SHUT!!!!! You cannot understand him.. you do not wan to listen to him… well…. That’s your OWN business….. you cannot take away my CHOICE….. I choose to listen and YET I cant because of your actions…..

Besides that, from one starts to talk, others follow…..

And… the volume of the voice will eventually getting louder….

When others are making noise too and you cant listen to your friend adi… eventually….. you are making your voice higher…. =.=llll

Wa liao…… there are other people who WISH to listen also one k….

AND…. Today…..

I attended a tutorial…..

The group of students who are presenting is just kind of presenting it to the lecturer where they can just face the lecturer and back us behind….. @.@

Anyways, it’s not totally their fault thou…. It’s just that the class is NOT listening….. they are making noise again…… zzzzzzzzzzzz……………. >.>

 After the tutorial…..

Another lecture of the day……

There are two girls in the class talking… YES… talking… NOT whispering.. They are talking in the class while the lecturer is giving his lecture……!!!!

Wa liao…..

NOT respectful AT ALL…..

I have to open my ear big big only can listen to the lecture…….


Respect is the basic manners I thou…..

It’s the fundamental of all……

OR Am I wrong???

We learned to respect each other when we were young….

We learned to greet others when we were young…. (Which is also one kind of respect)

We learned to behave ourselves when we were young……

What is all these when we had actually learn bout it?

When times come, we will throw all these away and we think that we are BIG and GRAND enough to throw away this word (respect)??????

“Respect” is to be dumped in the rubbish bin???

“Respect” is just a word in our vocab???

“Respect” is ONLY a word when it’s in front of the authority???


So, what is respect to you????

Who are you respecting AND who are you NOT respecting????

Do you seek respect from others?

Do you NOT wan others to respect you???

Learn to respect from today…..


From today….

It’s never too late to learn so and benchmark of the ‘respect’ is vary from one another…..


At least….. at the very minimal…..

PLEASE learn to listen to others when they are talking……

PLEASE learn to LISTEN…..


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